Review: UFO Balloon
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 6:53AM
I bought the UFO Balloon from a local education store a while ago, but never took the time to test it out until now. It is supposed to demonstrate the effect of temperature on a gas. Does it? Check out the video to see the results.
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you for sharing! I am aware of this product and once considered buying it for my children (ages 6 and 8), but wondered whether or not it really worked.
I tried to do a home-made version of this back in 2000 when I worked in a summer camp by blowing up one of those plastic bags that dry cleaners put over your clothes with a hair dryer. It didn't get off the ground but the lightness of the hot air made it stand upright. That's better than nothing!
I wonder if using a hot air drier would work with one of those dry cleaner bags.